CI Lab: Games Go Guerilla

Games Go Guerilla

Games Go Guerilla? What does that even mean? Well, hopefully it's an event which will showcase some of Scotland's most interesting, innovative and intriguing indies - as part of the Beyond Festival.

Scottish Parliament Committee Explores Impact Of Games Industry

Last week, the Scottish Parliament's economy, energy and tourism committee held the first part of it's investigation into the economic impact of the creative industries - including games. The committee is gathering evidence, both written and from industry witnesses, exploring if and how government intervention might help the creative industries grow, thrive and achieve more. …

What’s In A Game? Science Festival Probes Deeper…

Many events in Scotland are beginning to incorporate elements of gaming, games culture and exploring the rapidly evolving interactive industry. This year's Edinburgh Science Festival is looking into the impact of the gaming revolution on society.  It's asked several expert speakers - and your editor - to explore topics ranging from the rise of indie gaming …

Moray Game Jam: Sunday Morning

Two hours to go.  Thus far there have been no meltdowns, no collapses, no screaming hysteria. In fact the whole of the first ever Moray Game Jam has been marked by remarkable levels of good humour, cooperation and calm. The teams are still working. The projects are, for the most part, looking good. Playable demos …

Moray Game Jam Is GO

The Moray Game Jam, UK's most northerly game jam kicked off this afternoon, with over 40 competitors, split between nine teams, taking part in the first ever Jam to be held in Elgin's Moray College. The teams have 48 hours to create something epic, based around the theme of 'it changed the world', chosen thanks …

Guerilla Tea Publishes Game Created By Teens With Learning Disabilities

Ambitious Dundee-based developer Guerilla Tea organised and ran two workshops for teenagers with learning disabilities earlier this year.  They've already shared some of their experiences here on SGN... The goal of the workshop was to show that creating games and working within the games industry is far more open and inclusive than many people might …