Site icon The Scottish Games Network

NOW HIRING – Two Weeks Notice


Ladies and gentlemen, things are changing.  The Scottish Games Network is changing.  In a number of exciting new ways.  One of the most immediate changes will be the way in which recruitment adverts are hosted.

To date we’ve been very open to any and all adverts.  Companies have been free to post any vacancies as and when they wish.  It was part of the service and something we were happy to offer as the only source of games industry news for Scotland.

However we’re now spending an increasing amount of time supporting SGN and ensuring the industry as a whole is represented professionally within Scotland, across the UK and the rest of the world.

As such, we have to move paid job adverts for all games companies.  Individuals can advertise themselves, but companies looking for new staff will now have to contact us directly and book space.

This is not an attempt to gouge anyone.  We’ve come up with an affordable, low-cost range of options which should suit pretty much everyone and ensure all of the companies in Scotland can still benefit from the network’s 4,000-5,000 members across all channels.

This new policy won’t start until August 1st 2013, so between now and then you can send us your job adverts and vacancies as normal.

After that point however, we’ll be removing unauthorised job adverts and making sure everyone has access to the new rate card and has the same opportunities to reach the whole industry here in Scotland.

Problems, questions, comments, do please let us know in the comments, on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn.

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