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Scottish Government Cross Party Group On Videogames Technology Announces New Convenor & Next Meeting


The cross-party group on videogames technology was started in early 2012 by MSP Joe Fitzpatrick.  The group met in March that same year – while GDC was on – yet still attracted a standing room only crowd, to hear from speakers including Denki’s Colin Anderson, Scottish Enterprise  and TIGA.

The group’s initial meeting was more of an introductory session, with various parties making the case for the video games sector as a viable industry which deserves far more recognition and support from the government and public organisations in Scotland.  It was a valuable networking event however and provided a platform for several speakers to ask for increased visibility and cooperation between the various organisations to support and promote the whole interactive industry in Scotland.

Joe Fitzpatrick stood down from the group earlier this week, in accordance with parliamentary rules, upon becoming the minister for parliamentary business.  Mark McDonald the MSP for North East Scotland has assumed the role of convenor and is planning another meeting at Holyrood on May 14th 2013.

The meeting will take place in committee room 5 at the parliament building, from 17:30.  The room only sits 60 people in total, so space will be limited.

To reserve a place at the meeting, e-mail:

We’d strongly recommend you try to make it along.  The industry is Scotland has not achieved anything close to the visibility it should have within government and the wider creative sector, so it would be very useful to have a strong turnout from the interactive companies, developers and people involved in the actual Scottish industry there.

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